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Natural Skin Care: why a natural self-care routine should be a top priority

Caring for your skin with all-natural products to keep you healthy and glowing!


We all know that self-care is important, but it’s hard to remember to do it all the time. Feels selfish and expensive. Well, let me remind you that to be your very best self – the best possible health, vitality and success for yourself – you HAVE to take care of your body, your mind and your spirit.

You will be best able to help anyone around you when you are in top-notch shape yourself. We call this the ‘oxygen mask’ theory – ever notice in an airplane, when they give the emergency instructions it is advised that in case of tragedy you put on your oxygen mask first then help those around you. They tell us to do this because if you cannot breathe, you will lose mind function and be too loopy or sick to help your child or anyone else. If you can breathe and see clear and keep calm you have a much better chance of assisting your child and keeping them safe and calm. So it is even in daily life…

When you are in pain, it is hard to function, it is hard to focus on anything but that pain or irritation. With no headache, no rash, no sickies, you can play with your children, focus on your work and be an all around superstar. Who do you think is a better provider and nurturer – your friend that is always headachy and lethargic? or your friend that has boundless energy, clear beautiful skin and always a good attitude? Who will you turn to for advice or assistance?

It is amazing how beautiful a woman can be in her full natural element, healthy, supported, inspired and full of knowledge on caring for herself and everyone who comes into contact with her.

What does skin have to do with that? 

A beautiful complexion and glorious skin are a reflection of our personal lifestyle practices. Your skin is an integral part of your living being and one that plays a vital role within your body’s supportive and functional capacities including:

  1. sensory perception

  2. protecting underlying tissues, muscles and organ from injury, dehydration and illness

  3. assisting in processes of temperature maintenance and toxic waste elimination

  4. serving as the origination point for the manufacture of vitamin D

  5. giving structure to all organs and systems within the body

It’s essential that you learn how to care for and nourish your skin so that it will remain healthy regardless of the environment you live in or your chronical age. The skin is one of the first organs of the boy to be affected by poor diet, vitamin and mineral deficiencies and improper elimination. Moist, clear radiant skin is generally a sign of good health, while skin that is dry and flaky or oily and pimply can be indicative of internal problems, especially where nutrition is concerned. Contrary to popular belief, beautiful skin doesn’t come in pretty bottles filled with hormone creams that smell of artificial fragrance. Nor does it come from chemicals designed to dry up acne, such as tetracycline or benzoyl peroxide. Truly beautiful skin comes as a result of adhering to a program of feeding your body a proper diet, getting enough exercise and adequate sleep and by employing an appropriate self-care routine.

A wholistic, balanced lifestyle nourishes the inner body and is reflected on the outer body as gorgeous skin.

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Your skincare should not make you feel bad; it’s not supposed to sting, burn, or smell gross. It shouldn’t hurt little bunnies or monkeys or mice. It shouldn’t make you feel wrinkly or saggy or inadequate or stop your smile lines or inhibit your eyebrows from moving. It’s not supposed to soak your skin full of lead and petroleum and phosphates and formaldehyde.

Your skin care ritual is supposed to feel like soft sunshine. It should remind you that you are beautiful and worthy and deserving of all that you are plus give you a moment to stop and smell the flowers. It should feel soft and nourishing and kind. It should smell like the garden and a thousand stars and the full moon. It should be made by bees and butterflies and soil and slow hands. It should be drenched with petals, leaves, roots, and herbs. It should bring you closer to you – even if for just one breath in the morning and one sigh before sleep. A reminder of being an expression of the earth in all her glory.

That’s why I created the Natural Beauty Club.


This monthly subscription box is prepared lovingly by hand  using only the finest all natural and organic ingredients sourced locally whenever possible. Every ingredient is carefully chosen for its beneficial properties for your body and crafted to nurture your mind and soul. There is NO tallow, lard or other animal fats in any of our products. No SLS, petroleum, parabens or detergents. Products are colored using only herbs, spices, flowers, and other plants. No synthetic colors or dyes, no synthetic fragrances, perfumes or other artificial ingredients. Each month you’ll receive two all-natural herbal body products along with tips on integrating natural wellness into your daily lifestyle.

Yes, we all know that self-care is important, but it’s not always easy to remember to take the time for ourselves – our bodies, our spirits. Luckily, this box comes once a month, and therefore it’ll push you to spend a little extra time on yourself once it arrives on your doorstep. Every month will be a surprise as you open your box to see what I’ve prepared just for you! There will also be tips and pratical at-home suggestions each month covering a variety of topics on natural health, nourishment and healing, designed to help bring out the very best in you and help you care for yourself and your family.  Rejuvenation, nourishing health and pampering – natural style!

Click here to sign up and get in on this monthly health and pampering Natural Beauty gift box! Or sign up a friend or family member – makes a perfect gift for any busy and amazing woman!


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